Hujra, Mitcham Road, Tooting
Of all the dark gifts the fall of the Roman Empire gave us, the dining table and chairs is one of the worst. Reclining on a couch, dipping dormice in honey and honing your rhetoric seems a much more...
View ArticleGreen & Blue Wines, East Dulwich
Table of wines at Green & Blue I’ll begin this post with an apology for the awful picture at the top of it, and the total lack of pictures hereafter. I did take pictures with my rackety, obsolete...
View ArticleCoffee and cake in the desert, The Sahara, Tunisia
Last year I decided to swap London’s drunks for a 100km trek across the Sahara. Strapped into my boots and with a bag of bare essentials slung across a camel, I was going to spend my new year sober..
View ArticleThe Affogato Bar, Fenwick, New Bond Street
An affogato before it becomes an affogato. Note the Smarties in the background. Smarties are great In the race to be the sleekest, chicest department store in London, Fenwick’s is the dyspraxic fat...
View ArticleCUTS by Forza Win and The Ginger Pig, East London
I cleared my plate like a good girl, which means I'm allowed to get down from the table and go and play with my friends In the Sunday supplement Me & My Spoon style interviews that brighten...
View ArticleMichaelmas Feast with Stepney City Farm and The Ginger Pig
A gaggle of geese at Stepney City Farm It’s been a while since I’ve been on this blog. The lawn is all overgrown, there are weeds forcing their way up through the cracks in the crazy paving and I...
View ArticleSquid ink and spritzes: a weekend of eating in Venice
Shall I say it? Alright, I'll say it. Just one Cornetto! Give it to meeeee A city of bridges and sighs, Venice is also home to the note. Taped to walls and windows, and written in underlined, over...
View ArticleForza Dispensa, Forza Win, Peckham
Blinded by the light(s) We’re walking down Bournemouth Road. In front of us knots of people are strung along the pavement, all of them ambling in the same direction we are. They’re a motley collection...
View ArticleA food safari around Suffolk
Nothing finer than a chicken on a ramble Much of the UK has passed me by. Or, more accurately, I’ve passed a lot it by. There are a few tourist hotspots I’ve idled in for a week or two, but great...
View ArticleAli Baba and Asian Takeaway, Peckham
Portrait of a balanced diet Sharp-eyed readers with a fondness for small print will have noticed that my post about Forza Dispensa was tagged Peckham Dining Club. And if you follow me on Instagram,...
View ArticlePeckham Refreshment Rooms, Peckham Bazaar and Peckham Market – all the Peckhams
Cheese and lentils. Classic If you’re looking for a place that exemplifies modern London restaurants, then take yourself to Blenhein Grove, pull up a stool in Peckham Refreshment Rooms and order a...
View ArticleDrinking gin in Edinburgh
Gin on tap. Let's just stop there and appreciate that “What are you up in Edinburgh for?” asked the receptionists at the G&V Hotel as we waited for the printer to spool off my booking. “I’m here...
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